Four races, four epic destinations, and hundreds of Vitality exercise points up for grabs. Now, you can run across our beautiful country from the safety of your home, for FREE, with the new virtual Vitality Run Series.
The Vitality Run Series is back by popular demand – now in a new virtual format that anyone can complete in the comfort and safety of their homes, for FREE.
This May, you can run across four epic destinations in South Africa and earn hundreds of Vitality points as you go. The races will take place in the Western Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and in the Kruger National Park. Vitality members will earn 300 fitness points for the 5km or 10km run or walk. As a bonus – if you complete the 10Km event you’ll also get a 25% discount voucher for our Discovery athleisure range on Takealot.
How to earn your Vitality fitness points:
Link your Vitality approved fitness device or smartphone app to the Discovery app: Vitality> Devices and apps> Link a device or app This allows us to receive your step data and heart rate data if you are using a Vitality approved heart rate fitness device – so we can award your Vitality points. For more info see the Discovery website. You can start your run or walk anytime on the 03 May and the race will close at 23:59 pm. Please ensure you abide by all legal government regulations for exercise. T&Cs apply
There are amazing prizes up for grabs from our partners:
Complete all four races and you’ll be in the “running’ to WIN big with Samsung, Sportsmans Warehouse and Woolworths! (T&Cs)
So where are we going?
Go for gold in Gauteng.
Next, we’ll move to Gauteng on Sunday, 10 May. Run 5 km through the iconic Vilakazi Street in Soweto and discover what it’s like to run 10 km around the Cradle of Humankind.