Various schools from the area shuttle cars from the start in Glencairn to the finish in Scottburgh. sani2c helps facilitate this for them but cannot accept any responsibility for this service.
Car shuttle cancellations are NON REFUNDABLE. This is a service organised by our local schools as fundraiser opportunities. Your car shuttle booking is only secure and guaranteed once paid in full. The car shuttle service has limited numbers.
Please check that you book for the correct event.
If you do Team swops it is your responsibility to inform the relevant shuttle organiser of the changes so you can be allocated a spot for the new event shuttle. If you swop your entry, your shuttle will not be moved automatically.
Contact email addresses for car shuttles only are as follows:
Adventure: Aimee Pillay (
Race: Heather Willis (
Glencairn Farm
sani2c Car Shuttle Service