Join us for an intimate worship experience in the presence of God. Mpumi Mtsweni will lead us in a powerful time of love and worship, reminding us that God is love and we worship in love.
Mpumi Mtsweni
Mpumi Mtsweni is a talented worship leader known for her soul-stirring performances and passionate heart for God. With her powerful vocals and anointed worship, she has touched the lives of many, leading them into a deeper connection with the divine.
An intimate worship experience in the presence of God
Powerful and soul-stirring performances by Mpumi Mtsweni
A time to connect with others who share a love for worship
A reminder of God's love and the importance of worshiping in love
Don't miss this opportunity to join Mpumi Mtsweni and fellow worshipers as we come together to lift our voices and hearts in love and worship. This event is open to all who desire to encounter God in a deeper way and experience the transformative power of His love.
Secure your spot today and prepare to be touched by the presence of God as we unite in love and worship!
Mpumi Mtsweni
Only refund when the event is being canceled
The venue's parking policy security will be in present
Mfundo Tshabalala