African Farming Farmers' Day – Komani/Queenstown
Thu 7 Sep 2023, 08:00 AM - 14:00 pm

African Farming Farmers' Day – Komani/Queenstown

Learn to farm smarter, better and with purpose!

About this event

African Farming, a proud print, digital and TV brand extension of the agricultural magazine Landbouweekblad, will host a livestock farmers’ day in Komani/Queenstown to empower farmers – be they emerging or seasoned commercial operations – to build more profitable businesses together. Experts and farmers will give insight and advice on a range of topics and explain how small changes to farming operations can have a big impact on a farmer’s bottom line. Attendees also get to share a meal and learn from one another. 

Tickets: R130

Buy your ticket on Computicket or at your nearest Shoprite/Checkers or contact Apollo Bomvana on 067 217 0190.



08:00 Arrival / Registration / Tea/Coffee

09:05 Welcoming – Peter Mashala, editor of African Farming Magazine

09:30 Application of genomics technologies in livestock and conservation – Dr Khanyisile Hadebe, ARC

10:00 Livestock improvement – Lizo Mandlendoda, managing director, Dicla Agri Group: Training and Projects

10:30 Essentials of agribusiness banking – Sbusiso Fakude, Standard Bank

11:00 New Ford models – Ford South Africa

11:10 Tea/Coffee

11:30 Animal Health and husbandry practices – Willem Kleyn, Elanco Animal Health

12:00 Phases in the production cycle of an ewe – Zandisile Wapi, Molatek

12:30 Biosecurity and the prevention of diseases – Dr Faffa Malan, veterinarian

13:00 Significance of inclusive growth in the redmeat industry – Ernest Makua, RMI TED

13:30 Commercialization of communal wool farmers – N. Sigidi, ECCWGA

14:00 Vote of thanks

14:10 LUNCH


Maiden Head Farm

Portion 54, 169 Maiden Head Farm, Melton Garden Estates, Queenstown


African Farming

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